
Introducing Wholesome Child’s Nourish Program

Imagination Garden uses Wholesome Child’s Nourish Program to ensure your children are getting the best nutritional start and developing their tiny taste buds to enjoy a range of wholesome food.

Founded by Paediatric Nutritionist and best-selling author, Mandy Sacher, the program sets the gold standard in child care nutrition. Mandy says, “I am passionate about making wholefoods accessible, easy and mainstream. I know we can positively impact the health and long term wellbeing of Aussie kids by establishing balanced eating habits from a young age. Let’s develop our children’s taste buds to enjoy a range of nutritious & delicious options together!”

We are so excited to partner with Mandy and her team on this journey and look forward to sharing some of the recipes and new experiences with you as we progress. As a parent of our service, you can sign up for free to The Wholesome Child Academy and receive access to the Wholesome Shopping course with tips about making the best choices for your family in the supermarket, a selection of child-friendly recipes (many of which we use in our service!) and a sample meal plan.

When you become a part of the Imagination Garden community we will provide you with our service ID in order to view the weekly meal plans that your child will be eating in our care.

Our commitment to provide best in class care for your children is clear as we invest in this program, which includes seasonal meals and menu plans backed by tried and tested whole food recipes, staff training and parent engagement resources. All allergies and dietary requirements are catered for and the menu plans exceed government guidelines on all accounts.

Our staff will be going through the Nourish program training courses to learn about avoiding fussy eating, introducing solids, boosting protein and switching to whole grains to name a few.

We can’t wait to share the program with your little ones and hope you notice the benefits that improved nutrition can have on their mood, wellbeing and overall health.

You can watch this video to find out more about Nourish.